
Greetings. I haven’t posted over the last few weeks. I want to stop self-hosting and transfer the domain to WordPress.com. It was easy when I moved the domain and content to WordPress.org and started hosting the blog on a paid server. It is now expensive and complicated.

Blogging is a hobby, and I want it to be easy.

I’ve started to remove content. Eventually, I’ll have a shell of a blog, and then I’ll begin the transfer process. The domain transfer usually takes between seven and ten days. Then there are the bedding-in problems with DNS settings and the like. I’m not sure when I’ll get to restart the blog. It could be a few months. It may be spring when I restart (emerge from hibernation).

I’m also conscious that I’ve changed my diet, and there is minimal variation. Finding new ways to write about how I cook steak is not easy. Sharing what I watch, listen to, and read on a food blog also seems out of place. For simple recipes and food, I have Random Yummy. I also cleaned that blog too. It now has fewer posts.

See you when I’m out of hibernation.

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