Slow cooker lamb shoulder

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Dear Reader, 

Welcome to Yummy Lummy. A food blog about cooking meals for one.


How has your week been? I enjoyed some warmer days early in the week with daily maximum temperatures around 28 °C (about 82 °F). It was nice to be able to walk around in shorts and also to get outside and expose my scar to some sunlight. Yes, I have ichthyosis. My skin is always dry and scaly.

Patella ORIF scar getting some “bennies“.

I’m looking forward to warmer weather, although all residents of Canberra know that we can expect frost any morning until at least the second Tuesday of November. 

What I’ve been watching this week 

The bearded butchers 

The Bearded Butchers” is a YouTube channel featuring a butcher business from the USA. They specialise in sharing information on cattle, pig, and sheep butchery and meat processing for our tables. 

I have this desire to learn how to butcher cuts of meat properly. I want to break down and fabricate an entire pig and lamb. 

I also dream of having a decent workbench and freezer to cut and freeze my cuts. 


Originally titled “House M.D.”, this is one of my all-time favourite shows on TV. Gregory House is an antisocial medical practitioner with specialist training in infectious diseases and nephrology. 

A muscle infarction in his right thigh left him with chronic severe pain, influencing his personality. The chronic pain has resulted in opioid dependence and the need to use a cane. 

He’s abrasive and contrary, but more often than not he’s correct. I don’t mind people who are obnoxious if they’re right; I do not like opinionated, obnoxious people who try to foist their views on me with poor-quality evidence. 

A big surprise 

I haven’t measured my mass since the morning of my injury. Because I cannot remove the brace, I didn’t see much point standing on the scales. I also don’t know the mass of the leg brace. 

During the week, curiosity got the better of me, and I stood naked on the scales after breakfast, coffee, and about a litre of water. With the brace on my mass, it was a huge surprise. I was more than a kilogram lighter than I’d been since high school. 

New Apple operating systems 

This week, Apple released iOS17 and iPadOS17. Updating the operating system on these devices feels more effortless these days. With Apple providing beta versions months in advance, release problems are fewer. 

Both devices feel faster to use, and I like some app enhancements. 

Given how expensive new Apple devices are, these major operating system updates are like getting a new smartphone and tablet without paying for them. 


I cooked this during the week and thought it was worth sharing on the blog. 


  • Slow cooker 
  • Oven 


  • Lamb shoulder roast — boneless, rolled, and trussed with butcher’s twine 
  • Speck — I think of speck as fancy bacon. There will be readers who think cured meat is bad for our health. But there is no proof of causation of cured meat and malignancy. At best, there are association studies. The odds ratios, however, are fairly poor and close to 1. Unlike the epidemiological studies associating cigarette smoking and lung carcinoma which was later proven with mechanistic research.
  • Salt — I use iodised salt 
  • Black and white peppercorns 


  1. Place the lamb and pork into the slow cooker with a cup of water, a couple of teaspoons of salt, and a couple of teaspoons of whole peppercorns. 
  2. Cook on low heat for 10 hours. 
  3. Carefully remove the meat and strain the liquid to remove solid matter. 
  4. Place the meat into a baking tray and cook uncovered in an oven set at 180 °C (356 °F) for 30 minutes. The oven stage will dry the surface and create a thin crust over the lamb. 
  5. While the meat is in the oven, slowly boil the strained cooking liquor to evaporate the water and thicken the liquor. The reduced liquor will make a lovely lamb and pork broth. 
  6. Remove the meat from the oven and break it down with tongs. The lamb and pork will fall apart with little effort. 
  7. Transfer the pulled meat to a container for refrigeration. 

Meal ideas 

Here are some photographs of how I used the lamb and pork in a few meals. I still have most of the lamb and pork in the refrigerator, and it will keep me going for a few more meals. 

Final thoughts

  • How has your week been?
  • Do you update operating systems as soon as they’re released?
  • Have you watched “House”? Did you like it?

YouTube video

17 Responses

  1. I am so GLAD to see you moving and healing and eating and sharing and just doing! I think I’m another ‘No House’ person, but I think it showed up when the eldest started doing theatre and thus we got too busy for much more than STNG. As for operating systems, I try to update my own personal ones. The guys aren’t as thrilled about doing it, which baffles me, but whatever!!! This last week was interesting, to say the least!! I honestly hope when I get older I don’t conveniently forget to do things that should be done. My mom in law put off a second carpal tunnel surgery because ‘it didn’t bother me’. Now, her sore hand has lost muscle and the doctor told her that previously she had extensive severe nerve damage and she was glad her first surgery healed as well as it had.

      1. She says she feels fine and only her knees bother her. And that she wants this surgery so she can grip things.

  2. I’m happy to learn that you’re able to cook as well as you have. That looks like a good meal. While a real challenge, I’m sure it is a good way to keep yourself both physically and mentally active.

    1. Hi Karen,
      I’m keeping mentally healthy through work. I’m in a fortunate position to be able to work from home. Physically, I need to be mindful of what I eat, getting sleep, and trying to move as much as I can.
      Cooking is my relaxation. I’m happy to be able to keep cooking.

  3. I am one of the few people who has never watched House. Almost everyone I know has watched it and enjoyed it–and I am looking for new things to see–so I should probably jump on the bandwagon. The meal looks delicious!

    1. Hi Cecilia,
      The first few seasons of House are good. The latter seasons become a little repetitive and a little tedious. 😃

  4. Sorry to learn that you’ve had an incident Gary and had you are in the mend.
    Neat scar and pleased you’re still cooking. Good nutrition can only aid your recovery. A wonderful way to use leftover meat and create a healthy awesome dish. Go easy on and be kind to yourself, you’ll regain your presurgery weight soon enough.

    1. Hi Merryn,
      Thanks. If I wasn’t able to cook during this recovery phase I think I’d go spare. It always relaxes me.

  5. Gary, unfortunately you will be losing muscle mass. It just can’t be helped. Continue being patient so you can make a full recovery and get back to your usual activities in time.

    1. Hi Katharine,
      Thanks. I’m reassured that while I’m losing muscle mass, my protein and fat rich diet is minimising fat deposition.

  6. The lamb shoulder looks delicious.

    Have to admit the knee made me cringe a bit. Hope your recovery continues going well.

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