Father’s Day

Brodburger Broddeluxe with blue cheese Canberra Glassworks

Have you had a Brodburger?

Today Bron and I went for a walk around the eastern loop of Lake Burly Griffin with the intention of having our first Brodburger experience for lunch. The eastern loop is about nine kilometres and a nice walk. We went in a counterclockwise direction and started at the Kingston foreshore so when we ended we’d be close to Brodburger.



I recently enjoyed a Broddog at Westfield Belconnen and have been hankering a full burger. The walk around the eastern loop was pretty pleasant this morning, the sun was out and we were warm within a few minutes of walking. There was a fun run on earlier in the day and we came across a lot of people who had competed.

This is the route we walked based on my RunKeeper GPX file

[sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/RK_gpx _2014-09-07_0958.gpx”]

So we get to Brodburger just after midday and notice there’s a good queue already. 

Brodburger on Urbanspoon

2014-09-07 12.07.42

Once we’re in the queue the line isn’t that long and it doesn’t take too long to get to the main counter. The staff are really friendly and helpful. Bron chose a Brodburger with blue cheese and I chose a Broddeluxe with blue cheese. We’re told there’s a 40 minute wait which isn’t a problem given we can wander around the Old bus depot markets and check out the stalls. I’m asked for my name and mobile telephone number and I’m told I’ll receive a text message when the burgers are ready. This is a fantastic service. If you don’t have a mobile telephone they have wireless buzzers for you to carry. 

Glass works
The Canberra glassworks

Old bus depot markets Old bus depot markets 

True to their word on the 40 minute mark I receive a text message and our burgers are ready. We go and collect them and hunt for a good place to eat our lunch.

This is the Broddeluxe. Two x ½ pound beef patties flame grilled, two eggs,  lots of crispy bacon. Topped with fresh lettuce, tomatoes and Spanish onions. Includes homemade aioli and tomato relish.
This is the Broddeluxe. Two × ½ pound beef patties flame grilled, two eggs, lots of crispy bacon. Topped with fresh lettuce, tomatoes and Spanish onions. Includes homemade aioli and tomato relish. That’s a full pounder people 🙂 
Here's a size comparison with a 600 mL bottle of diet coke.
Here’s a size comparison with a 600 mL bottle of diet coke.
Tightly packaged, I could get both hands around it but my mouth isn't big enough to get my mouth around it. People who know me know I have a BIG mouth.
Tightly packaged, I could get both hands around it but my mouth isn’t big enough to get my mouth around it. People who know me know I have a BIG mouth.

I’m grateful to Bron for capturing these images of me

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Yes, of course I had to use my new Sony α7S to shoot my food 🙂
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Yes those are aioli stains on my jeans
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Yes, I’m filling my cheek pouches. That aioli stain is more evident in this shot.
Guess who owns which waste pile? Hint my burger was bigger :-)
Guess who owns which waste pile? Hint my burger was bigger 🙂

It was a fantastic morning. I have ruddy cheeks from the sun. I have a full belly from the food. We got some fresh air and exercise too. We highly recommend a good walk and then a good meal.

Okay so what did we think about our burgers?Bron thought the brodburger was a good burger. Bron said she’s happy she’s now enjoyed the Brodburger experience. I also liked my Broddeluxe. It was a full pound (nearly 500 g) of meat and it was good and juicy. That said, I mentioned to Bron that I was happy we had a good long walk and some waiting to build anticipation. For me, a burger experience depends on context. The best burgers I’ve enjoyed were from milk bars at the beach after a good morning surfing. Those burgers would also contain a pineapple ring and beetroot. My Broddeluxe was good, not the best I’ve ever had but good. Bron said after a big night out, a Brodburger would certainly fulfil all the needs of a good late night snack. 

I’d probably come back and have another burger, not sure when though. If you’re a Canberra resident, have you had a Brodburger? Please feel free to share your experience as a comment. 

If you have any comments or questions please send me a comment in the space below.

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Hope you had a great weekend and ate YUMMY
