
Yummy Lummy Curry lamb neck and quinoa recipe

Yummy Lummy Curry lamb neck and quinoa recipe

Curry lamb neck and quinoa recipe this week isn’t really anything exciting or new, but it’s quick and easy to make if you have a pressure cooker and stovetop.

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RY0005 Vegemite celeriac mash

The Random Yummy
The Random Yummy
RY0005 Vegemite celeriac mash

RY0005 Vegemite Celeriac Mash

G’day and welcome to the Random Yummy.
Tupperware Microwave Pressure Cooker
Magic Bullet mini food processor
Its botanical name is Apium graveolens variety rapaceum while that of celery is Apium graveolens variety graveolens. So celeriac and celery are the same species of plant, celeriac is cultivated for the edible root and celery for the stalks.

Listen to the podcast for the recipe.

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Tonight’s show notes are at https://yummylummy.com/RY0005
Catch you next time on Yummy Lummy TV and the Random Yummy.