MEATER made rump roast with Hollandaise sauce and vegetables

MEATER made rump roast of red meat goodness on a windy and cold winter evening in Canberra made decadent with homemade spicy Hollandaise sauce and made “healthful” with kale sprouts, cauliflower, and mushrooms. You’ll find out why the word healthful is in quotation marks as you read the recipe and how I cooked these elements of the dish.

Dedicated to a good colonoscopy result and my specialist consultant physician gastroenterologist.

Hopefully all my future colonoscopies return NAD results

MEATER made rump roast

On Thursday I had a colonoscopy and was relieved when my gastroenterologist smiled and said, no abnormality detected (NAD).

Warning! The recipe and Q&A sections are distinctly a Yummy Lummy effort with the sort of colourful language you’ve come to expect on this blog.

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