Meals for one

Porterhouse steak and salad

The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
Porterhouse steak and salad

There is nothing special about tonight’s meal or this post. I’ve been so busy I’ve not been able to find inspiration in anything I want to cook so when I went grocery shopping I picked up a steak and some salad stuff.

The Random Yummy podcast is now available in the Apple Podcast App, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, and Please subscribe.

Close up. Porterhouse steak and radicchio salad. Gary Lum.
Close up. Porterhouse steak and radicchio salad.
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Prawn scallop and speck fried cauliflower rice

The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
Prawn scallop and speck fried cauliflower rice

Prawn scallop and speck fried cauliflower rice after a relaxing Saturday at home

Prawn scallop and speck fried cauliflower rice

Today was the first day since the long weekend that I’ve been able to work from home and not go into the office. I did dial into a teleconference but I got stuff done. The grocery shopping was relaxing. A walk to the shops for a coffee was relaxing. Watching some TV was relaxing.

Dedicated to a friend who gave me moments of light hearted joy during the week.

Frying cauliflower rice, mushroom, prawns, scallops, speck, and spring onions. Gary Lum.
Frying cauliflower rice, mushroom, prawns, scallops, speck, and spring onions.
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Reverse seared porterhouse steak with potato gems and green peppercorn mushroom gravy

The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
Reverse seared porterhouse steak with potato gems and green peppercorn mushroom gravy

Reverse seared steak isn’t something I do very often. I usually sear first and then finish off the cooking in oven.

Dedicated to SARS-COV-2 which causes COVID-19 because I got home late and didn’t have time to cook the steak by sous vide.

Find out more about the new names below
Close up. Reverse seared Porterhouse steak with green peppercorn and mushroom sauce served with potato gems, avocado, and cherry tomatoes. Gary Lum.
Reverse seared Porterhouse steak with green peppercorn and mushroom sauce served with potato gems, avocado, and cherry tomatoes.
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Triple pork fried cauliflower rice

The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
The Yummy Lummy Cooking for one podcast
Triple pork fried cauliflower rice

Triple pork fried cauliflower rice

The Random Yummy podcast is now available in the Apple Podcast App, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, and Please subscribe.

Triple pork fried cauliflower rice. Gary Lum.
Triple pork fried cauliflower rice.

Triple pork fried cauliflower rice sounds a bit weird but it was the best I could come up with at short notice.
It’s been a bit crazy at work and I only got home at about 4 pm and didn’t feel like doing a long cook. I will be cooking some duck breasts tonight by sous vide but for tea I wanted something relatively easy.
I decided since I had pork rashers, pork sausages, and lup chong that I had a triple threat of pork. I’m still eschewing carbs, so the fried rice had to be cauliflower rice.
I know what you’re thinking, where’s the bacon? I did think of buying some bacon but I decided against it. Can you believe it?
I’m eating more pork in preparation for shortages in case African Swine Fever virus infection becomes more of a problem which will mean Australian pork will be in higher demand from overseas pork lovers, especially the Chinese market which has been affected by ASF.

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Nood Bog also known as noodle bolognese

Nood bog, what the hell is nood bog?

You’re going to have to read this nude bog post while in a happy lighthearted frame of mind. Just know that sarcasm is my first language…if you’re offended, that’s your problem and not mine 😎

Photograph of an eggplant or aubergine or the 🍆 Gary Lum
Eggplant 🍆
Audio from the Random Yummy podcast. Check out the links below in the questions.

Nude bog???

So, what is nood bog? I mean I know that Canberra has a thriving naturist community who like to swim in a watering hole on the south side of town. I’ve never been there, nor have I ever participated in any naturist activities. I’m very much a clothes on person, apart from when I’m in bed sleeping. However, that’s entirely different and not up for discussion here.

Dedicated to a workmate who is horrified that an offspring referred to spaghetti bolognese as noodle bolognese and that I have shortened it to nood bog.

Thanks GC
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