
The best Chicken giblet congee with black fungus

Chicken giblets
Chicken giblets

This is the best chicken giblet congee with black fungus recipe you will ever come across I promise.

Chicken drumsticks and thighs
Chicken drumsticks and thighs
Arborio rice with red and white quinoa
Arborio rice with red and white quinoa
Black fungus
Black fungus
Chicken thigh, drumstick and giblet congee with black fungus
Chicken thigh, drumstick and giblet congee with black fungus
The best Chicken giblet congee with black fungus
Recipe Type: Dinner
Cuisine: Australian
Author: [url href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”]Gary Lum[/url]
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
  • Chicken giblets 500 g
  • Chicken drumsticks 6
  • Chicken thighs 3
  • Black fungus 1 handful
  • Arborio rice 1 cup
  • Red quinoa ⅛ cup
  • White quinoa ⅛ cup
  • Chicken stock 1 litre
  • Black peppercorns ⅛ cup
  • Chilli flakes 1 dessert spoon
  1. Put all the ingredients sans black fungus into the pressure cooker chamber
  2. Cook in the pressure cooker for 1 hour
  3. Remove the bones from the chicken pieces
  4. Mix everything together into a porridge consistency
  5. Prior to the pressure cooker finishing its cycle poor boiling water into a bowl with the black fungus
  6. When the black fungus is tender add to the congee
  7. Shoot a photograph
  8. Eat the congee
  9. Wash the dishes
  10. Write the recipe
  11. Blog (verb)

Some photographs from a walk around Lake Ginninderra.

Beach buoys
Beach buoys

Corned beef congee

Hamper corned beef
Hamper corned beef
Corned beef congee
Corned beef congee
Corned beef congee
Recipe Type: Dinner
Cuisine: Australian
Author: [url href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”]Gary Lum[/url]
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
A simple pressure cooker congee
  • [cap id=”attachment_16100″ align=”aligncenter” width=”980″][img src=”×800.jpg” width=”980″ height=”653″ class=” size-large” title=”Hamper corned beef” alt=”Hamper corned beef”]Hamper corned beef[/cap]
  • [cap id=”attachment_16100″ align=”aligncenter” width=”980″][img src=”×801.jpg” width=”980″ height=”654″ class=” size-large” title=”Arborio rice with red and white quinoa” alt=”Arborio rice with red and white quinoa”]Arborio rice with red and white quinoa[/cap]
  • Red quinoa ⅛ cup
  • White quinoa ⅛ cup
  • Beef stock 1 litre
  • White wine 1 cup
  • Water 1.5 litres
  • Butter 100 g
  • Chives chopped
  • Bundaberg Ginger marmalade
  1. Place the rice and liquid into the pressure cooker.
  2. Start the pressure cooker and time for 60 minutes.
  3. Once cooking time is complete open the valve to release all the steam before opening the lid.
  4. The congee should be creamy and smooth. If there is too much liquid or if the rice has not broken down enough simmer until the correct consistency is reached.
  5. If it is too dry add a little stock or water until the correct consistency is achieved.
  6. Add the butter and season with salt and white pepper.
  7. Serve with garnishes.
  8. Plate up.
  9. Shoot a photograph.
  10. Eat the congee.
  11. Wash the dishes.
  12. Write the recipe.
  13. Blog (verb).

Hamper corned beef

Arborio rice with red and white quinoa
Arborio rice with red and white quinoa
Breville Pressure Cooker
Breville Pressure Cooker

So how did my corned beef congee taste?

It tasted great. I have a couple of containers left for leftovers during the week. The containers are now in my freezer solidifying.


Chicken giblet congee and how I spent Sunday

Some readers know of my many alter egos. For example, on Friday I posted on my other blog about the limitations of diagnostic tests, especially serology tests. In the past I’ve also posted about offal on Dr Offal. Tonight though I’m posting about giblets here on Yummy Lummy. Possibly my least known blog is the one about odd movies.

I really like giblets. I have happy memories of Mum cooking giblets. On a cold night, Mum’s chicken giblets and steamed rice was really comforting and warming. I would tell people about the meal and I usually received a negative reaction. It’s no surprise when I posted a photograph on social media yesterday about my purchase I received mixed reactions. One of my social media friends compared chicken giblets to cat food. Lucky cats I say.

Chicken giblet congee and how I spent Sunday
Recipe Type: Dinner
Cuisine: Australian Chinese Fusion
Author: [url href=”” target=”_blank”]Gary Lum[/url]
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
  • Rice ¾ cup
  • Quinoa ¼ cup
  • Water 1 litre
  • Chicken noodle soup sachet
  • Chicken giblets 500 g
  • Chinese five spice powder 1 teaspoon
  • Chili flakes 1 tablepsoon
  1. In a slow cooker add all the ingredients and stir
  2. Turn on the slow cooker for 8 hours
  3. Plate up the chicken giblet congee
  4. Shoot a photograph
  5. Eat the congee and reminisce of the a great food childhood
  6. Wash the dishes
  7. Write the recipe
  8. Blog (verb)

So today I slept in a little and enjoyed some low fat scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.

Sunday breakfast. Low fat scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.
Sunday breakfast. Low fat scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.


After breakfast, I called Dad and wished him Happy Father’s day. I went for a walk on the cloudy Sunday morning and shot some photographs.

Lake Ginninderra HDR
Lake Ginninderra HDR
Blossoms on Lake Ginninderra
Blossoms on Lake Ginninderra
Pelicans on Lake Ginninderra on a cloudy Sunday morning.
Pelicans on Lake Ginninderra on a cloudy Sunday morning.


After the walk I went and put some diesel into my car and then went about preparing dinner.

Giblets. Great value!


For lunch I had leftover asparagus and silverbeet soup with some Greek yoghurt and Parmesan cheese.

Sunday lunch. Leftover asparagus and silverbeet soup.
Sunday lunch. Leftover asparagus and silverbeet soup.

I spent the afternoon doing some work, watching House, MD on Netflix and trying to stay warm.

Sunday dinner. Chicken giblet congee. Best congee ever.
Sunday dinner. Chicken giblet congee. Best congee ever.
Sunday dinner. Chicken giblet congee. Best congee ever.
Sunday dinner. Chicken giblet congee. Best congee ever.

Tonight I spoke with my daughters via FaceTime and enjoyed a Father’s day by myself.


For a gallery of full screen images click on the photograph below and a gallery will appear that you can navigate. If you see an information (i) icon in the bottom right it will reveal some further information including a map of where the photograph was shot if the photograph is geotagged.

Sunday breakfast. Low fat scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.



What I ate and did this weekend

I’ve had a good weekend. I’ve been doing a two day learning course on Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. I’ve been using Lightroom for a couple of years but I know very little about Photoshop. It was a really good experience. The weekend was arranged by the Canberra School of Photography and the teacher was David Harradine. I’d happily recommend courses by Irene Lorbergs at CSP and David from

I’ve also eaten well this weekend mind you at the course I ate nut muesli bars, potato chips and diet coke.

Check out this gallery for some of what I ate and some stuff I learnt about layers and masks in Photoshop.

Strawberry sundae at The Ekka
Strawberry sundae at The Ekka | I learnt to make a copy layer, select the ice cream and reduce the saturation.
Saturday breakfast. Fried egg on a salmon rissole with coffee.
Saturday breakfast. Fried egg on a salmon rissole with coffee. This was tasty.
Saturday dinner. Chicken and cabbage congee.
Saturday dinner. Chicken and cabbage congee. I made this in the slow cooker. I nearly went with vegetarian congee.
Nestlé condensed milk at Coles
Nestlé condensed milk at Coles for my coffee
Sunday breakfast. Bacon, egg and avocado roll at The Cupping Room.
Sunday breakfast. Bacon, egg and avocado roll at The Cupping Room. The bacon is from Pialligo farm. Best bacon in Australia.
Sunday dinner. Baked salmon and avocado.
Sunday dinner. Baked salmon and avocado. Sans salmon.
Sunday dinner. Baked salmon and avocado.
Sunday dinner. Baked salmon and avocado. In full colour.
Sunday dinner. Baked salmon and avocado.
Sunday dinner. Baked salmon and avocado. Desaturated the avocado and plate.

If you want to see the photographs as a gallery check out Google Photos. Click on one image to see it full size. To see the EXIF data (including a map if the photograph was geotagged) click on the information (i) icon in the top right corner. You can navigate through the gallery using the arrow keys or by swiping if you’re using a tablet or smartphone.

What did you get up to this weekend? What did you eat this weekend?

What I ate today

Well yesterday was huge. I got to spend the day in the fresh air (please note yesterday’s apparent temperature was close to subzero degrees Celsius all day) learning from AFP experts about explosives and bombs.

AFP Range Day, Serial 14 Napalm
AFP Range Day, Serial 14 Napalm

This morning I enjoyed a whole grain English muffin. One one half I had some Oxford marmalade and on the other half I had some Buderim Ginger Factory ginger, lemon and lime marmalade. For lunch I had leftover organic red rice pork congee with chunks of ham hock on rye bread as a toasted sandwich. For dinner I had a couple of BIRDS EYE salmon patties with some quinoa rice and kale.

If you want to see the photographs as a gallery check out Google Photos. Click on one image to see it full size. To see the EXIF data (including a map if the photograph was geotagged) click on the information (i) icon in the top right corner. You can navigate through the gallery using the arrow keys or by swiping if you’re using a tablet or smartphone.

Thursday breakfast. Oxford and Buderim Ginger factory ginger, lemon and lime marmalade on a whole grain English muffin.
Thursday breakfast. Oxford and Buderim Ginger factory ginger, lemon and lime marmalade on a whole grain English muffin.
Thursday lunch. Leftover organic red rice pork congee with chunks of ham hock in a toasted sandwich.
Thursday lunch. Leftover organic red rice pork congee with chunks of ham hock in a toasted sandwich.
Thursday dinner. Quinoa rice and kale.
Thursday dinner. Quinoa rice and kale.
Thursday dinner. Baked BIRDS EYE salmon and vegetable patties with quinoa rice and kale.
Thursday dinner. Baked BIRDS EYE salmon and vegetable patties with quinoa rice and kale.

What did you eat today?