
Slowly oven roasted rump of beef with quinoa rice

Slowly oven roasted rump of beef with quinoa rice along with potato, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and onion served with horseradish. It sounds like a mouthful but oh what a delicious mouthful.

Last night I slowly roasted a butterflied leg of lamb and tonight I wanted some beef. The good thing is all the leftovers will be eaten for lunches at work. I may spend a lot of money on meat but I like to make it last.

Slowly oven roasted rump of beef with quinoa rice
Recipe Type: Dinner
Cuisine: Australian
Author: [url href=”http://garylum.me” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”]Gary Lum[/url]
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
  • Lump of rump
  • Potato
  • Cauliflower
  • Onion
  • Brussels sprouts
  • White quinoa
  • Red quinoa
  • Arborio rice
  • Red wine
  1. In a casserole add the vegetables, quinoa and rice
  2. Add a splash of red wine
  3. Place the meat on top and cook for 30 minutes with the lid off in a hot oven 220 °C
  4. Place the lid on the casserole and cook for 150 minutes at 150 °C
  5. The quinoa and rice will absorb all the fat off the beef and be creamy rich
  6. Plate up and aliquot leftovers into containers for lunches
  7. Shoot a photograph
  8. Eat the meal
  9. Write the recipe
  10. Wash the dishes
  11. Blog (verb)

Cauliflower, Onion, Potato, Spring onion, Beef in a casserole
Cauliflower, Onion, Potato, Spring onion, Beef in a casserole
Cauliflower, Onion, Potato, Spring onion, Beef in a casserole
Cauliflower, Onion, Potato, Spring onion, Beef in a casserole
Cauliflower, Onion, Potato, Spring onion, Beef in a casserole
Cauliflower, Onion, Potato, Spring onion, Beef in a casserole
Slowly oven roasted rump of beef with potato, cauliflower, onion, Brussels sprouts, quinoa and rice served with horseradish
Slowly oven roasted rump of beef with potato, cauliflower, onion, Brussels sprouts, quinoa and rice served with horseradish
Slowly oven roasted rump of beef with potato, cauliflower, onion, Brussels sprouts, quinoa and rice served with horseradish
Slowly oven roasted rump of beef with potato, cauliflower, onion, Brussels sprouts, quinoa and rice served with horseradish

This morning I went for a walk around Lake Ginninderra and then had breakfast at Local Press Cafe in Kingston.

Sunrise over Lake Ginninderra
Sunrise over Lake Ginninderra
Autumn leaves and clouds on Lake Ginninderra
Autumn leaves and clouds on Lake Ginninderra
Lake Ginninderra HDR
Lake Ginninderra HDR
Lake Ginninderra HDR
Lake Ginninderra HDR
Wild mushrooms and poached egg on sourdough at Local Press, Kingston, Canberra
Wild mushrooms and poached egg on sourdough at Local Press, Kingston, Canberra

Slow cooker pork quinoa congee

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Slow cooker pork and potato quinoa congee with potatoes
Slow cooker pork and potato quinoa congee with potatoes

Today I made slow cooker pork quinoa congee. It’s getting closer to ANZAC day, which means for Canberra residents it’s time to turn on our heaters. With the horrible cold Canberra weather coming it’s time for more comfort food. Over the last few weeks I’ve made tinned corned beef and chicken giblets congee in my pressure cooker.


This slow cooker pork quinoa congee was made with pork spare ribs and made succulent with the fat from some speck.


Slow cooker pork quinoa congee
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
6 hrs
Total Time
6 hrs 30 mins

Congee or jook made with slowly cooked pork

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Australian
Servings: 1
Calories: 1000 kcal
Author: Gary Lum
  • Pork spare ribs
  • Speck
  • Arborio rice
  • Red quinoa
  • White quinoa
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Ginger marmalade
  • Potato
  • Chicken stock cube
  • Water
  1. Dice the meat
  2. Dice the potato
  3. Put everything into the slow cooker
  4. Cook on low for 6 hours
  5. Plate up and shoot a photograph
  6. Eat a bowl of congee
  7. Vacuum pack the rest for leftover meals
  8. Wash the dishes
  9. Write the recipe
  10. Blog (verb)
Recipe Notes

This is a quick and simple recipe that makes a really nice comforting congee or jook. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend.

Here are some photographs of the preparation of my meal.

Pork spare ribs and speck from Coles
Pork spare ribs and speck from Coles

Do you like how much fat is in the speck? It rendered and softened nicely during the cooking.


Ingredients for pork congee including quinoa, rice, potatoes, coconut, chilii flakes, pepper, ginger marmalade, speck and pork spare ribs
Ingredients for pork congee including quinoa, rice, potatoes, coconut, chilii flakes, pepper, ginger marmalade, speck and pork spare ribs

Here is my breakfast today

Cheese and chives scrambled eggs made in the Gordon Ramsay style with butter and eggs
Cheese and chives scrambled eggs made in the Gordon Ramsay style with butter and eggs


Here is my lunch from today

Smoked salmon with cream cheese, capers and dill on Vita-Weat biscuits for lunch
Smoked salmon with cream cheese, capers and dill on Vita-Weat biscuits for lunch



Mmm…slow cooker pork quinoa congee for the win!

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Slow cooker rump roast and some Monday link love

Slow cooker rump roast isn’t something for every day not even once a quarter. As I was grocery shopping in Coles on Saturday I came across a small roll of rump and through why not. It’s Autumn and the Canberra weather has started to turn cold (as normal). I thought I would add some different flavours just to see how it turned out. I knew I could get at least two more meals from the roll by vacuum packing and freezing the meat after it had been cooked.

Capsicums were going at a reasonable price in Coles so I added the tops and tails plus a potato, a brown onion, some arborio rice and white and red quinoa.

A lump of rump with vegetables for slow cooking Sunday
A lump of rump with vegetables for slow cooking Sunday

The nice thing about my Breville slow cooker is that it’s also a pressure cooker. I’m yet to use it as a pressure cooker mainly because I like cooking my meat low and slow. This cooker has a 6 hour and an 8 hour option. I tend to go with the 8 hour option.

I think I added a little too much water, normally the rice and quinoa has the consistency of congee.

Slow cooker rump beef with capsicum, red quinoa, white quinoa, onion, potato and rice
Slow cooker rump beef with capsicum, red quinoa, white quinoa, onion, potato and rice

There’s nothing like the fatty goodness of rump. The flavour wasn’t too bad. The texture of the meat was perfect. If I had some beef bones I would have added them for extra beefy flavour.

Monday link love

It’s another Monday and the Canberra Food Bloggers Facebook Group has shared blog links.

 Hope you had a good weekend.

Monday link love on Yummy Lummy

Yay it’s Monday. The best thing about Monday is waking up early and knowing I have a fresh new week at work. Yes I’m in a fortunate situation in that I enjoy my job. I’m surrounded by really nice people and the work we do is IMHO meaningful.

Monday also means we share blog posts in the Canberra Food Bloggers Facebook Group. It’s always good to read what the members of the group have been up to.

Monday also means salmon for dinner (usually).

Finally, Monday is also when I do Monday link love.

Before I get to the Canberra Food Bloggers links I want to share the URLs of three bloggers who I’ve recently followed.

  • Sue’s Fabulous Travels ~ around China and other countries https://tangmengxiu.wordpress.com/ Sue currently lives in Canberra and share’s her travel stories
  • Mabel Kwong Asian Australian Multiculturalism https://mabelkwong.com/ Mabel is in Melbourne and has an interesting pwerspective on life as an Asian Australian
  • I Love my Husband, I Love to Cook, I Love to Read 🙂 https://retetepreferate.wordpress.com/ I’ve just started following Silvia who cooks great meals

Today’s Canberra Food Bloggers links

I hope you enjoy visiting these blogs.

Here is my dinner tonight. I thought I’d add a little cheese to my baked salmon which I served with quinoa rice and avocado.

Gary Lum Cheesy salmon with quinoa rice and avocado
Cheesy salmon with quinoa rice and avocado

For breakfast I simply had fried eggs.

Gary Lum fried eggs
Fried eggs

Prawns with ginger quinoa fried rice with kale

This morning when I went grocery shopping I saw some prawns and thought why not. Tonight I made prawns with ginger quinoa fried rice and kale.

I had some leftover quinoa rice which would be perfect for fried rice.

Prawns with ginger quinoa fried rice with kale
Recipe Type: Dinner
Cuisine: Australian
Author: [url href=”http://about.me/garydlum” target=”_blank”]Gary Lum[/url]
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
  • Fresh green prawns with the tails still attached 250 grams
  • Fresh kale 1 cup shredded
  • Leftover quinoa rice ½ cup
  • Buderim Ginger Factory ginger marmalade 1 tablespoon
  • Flaked almonds
  • Fried shallots
  • Tomato sauce
  • Barbecue sauce
  • Sweet chilli sauce
  • Chilli flakes
  • Soy sauce
  • Red onion
  1. Marinade the prawns with the tomato, barbecue and sweet chilli sauces and chilli flakes for an hour
  2. Sautée the prawns in a hot frying pan
  3. Remove from the heat and set the prawns aside
  4. Wilt the kale in the frying pan and then set aside with the prawns
  5. Fry the quinoa rice and add some soy sauce
  6. Add the flaked almonds and fried shallots
  7. Add the prawns and kale and stir through
  8. Plate up
  9. Shoot a photograph
  10. Set up the time lapse for the eating video
  11. Eat the meal
  12. Wash the dishes
  13. Write the recipe
  14. Blog (verb)

It’s a pretty simple recipe and it makes a really delicious meal.

This is a photograph of Raw prawns with tails attached in tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and sweet chilli sauce with chilli flakes and ground pepper.
Raw prawns with tails attached in tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and sweet chilli sauce with chilli flakes and ground pepper.
This is a photograph of Cooked prawns with tails attached in tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and sweet chilli sauce with chilli flakes and ground pepper.
Cooked prawns with tails attached in tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and sweet chilli sauce with chilli flakes and ground pepper.
This is a photograph of Saturday dinner. Prawns and fried ginger quinoa rice with kale.
Saturday dinner. Prawns and fried ginger quinoa rice with kale.

Watch me eat my meal

This morning I went for a walk around Lake Ginninderra. I had hoped to have a milkshake at Heather’s House of Cake but it was closed for a private function.  I may have to go there tomorrow. It was fairly overcast but the water was very still.

This is a photograph of Lake Ginninderra
Lake Ginninderra

I used a 24–240 mm f/3.5–f/6.3 zoom lens. This zoomed in shot captured the trees on the north shore nicely.

This is a photograph of Lake Ginninderra
Lake Ginninderra

Today there were a couple of pelicans on the lake. I was able to get up close to this one.

This is a photograph of a pelican on Lake Ginninderra
Pelican on Lake Ginninderra

After lunch I made lunch which was a salmon rissole, baked beans, fried egg and avocado.

This is a photograph of Saturday lunch. Salmon rissole with fried egg, baked beans and avocado.
Saturday lunch. Salmon rissole with fried egg, baked beans and avocado.

Do you reckon you’d enjoy prawns with ginger quinoa fried rice and kale?


If you want to see the photographs as a gallery click here. Click on one image to see it full size. To see the EXIF data (including a map if the photograph was geotagged) click on the information (i) icon in the top right corner. You can navigate through the gallery using the arrow keys or by swiping if you’re using a tablet or smartphone.